Leadership Team

Victoria Patton

Victoria Patton is a God-fearing, compassionate, purpose-driven leader called by God to this generation.  She is the wife of Anthony Patton Jr. and mother to daughter, Camilla Joy Patton and son, Anthony Patton III. Professionally, Victoria serves as an elementary administrator in the school system in Northwest, Indiana. In 2020, Victoria founded our community - Called According to Purpose.  Victoria believes fervently in building sincere relationships with women and encourages them to build a deeper relationship with God. She believes that in God there is an unveiling of identity and purpose and ultimately a freedom that every woman deserves to experience. Victoria wholeheartedly believes that every experience, trial, and tribulation are for the good of those who love Him (God), to those who are the called according to His purpose (referenced from Romans 8:28).

Jáyna Moore

Jáyna has an empathetic and calming spirit that is eager to serve! She’s on a mission to break generational cycles, such as being a first-generation college graduate. If Jáyna could title herself, it would be as a Missional Entrepreneur. She is someone who is on mission with her ministry to help people walk in their God given purpose and be about their Father’s business, while also running her own businesses. She is passionate about the elevation of everyone, but specifically Women of God who may be struggling with brokenness, identity issues, insecurities, confidence, or anything that society has labeled many people who are struggling or may have struggled. She hopes to live by being a vessel of Honor, and an example that God can do exceedingly above all we ask or imagine (reference from Ephesians 3:20), from someone who may not necessarily come from much.

Leticia Craig

Leticia Craig is a faith-driven woman of God who has had a relationship with Him since a pre-teen. She is passionate about pursuing and glorifying Jesus in everything she does, personally and professionally. Professionally, Leticia works in finance and business management in Chicago, IL for a major financial institution. As a daughter of an immigrant and first generation college graduate, she is passionate about helping other women pursue and excel in professional, corporate roles in spite of generational circumstances. She believes every woman has the capabilities in them, through Christ, to fulfill their God-intended purpose through complete trust and surrender to Jesus. Leticia holds Proverbs 3:5-6 close to her heart as a reminder to continually submit to the Lord to fulfill His purpose for her life.